- Posted By Dr. Ishan Shah
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1. How often do you see this?
These cases are increasing in India , in my PD 60 to 70% of patients have these problems
2. How this happens?
Diet and lifestyle are two most important factors improper lifestyle, junk food, Menda, bakery ems, long fasting, packaged food, altered sleep pattern, improper timing of food.... these all are risk factors.
3.How is food digested in our body?
It’s complex process, happens from esophagus o large bowel (colon). Whatever you eat will go from food pipe to stomach, there is a valve between these two which is air tight and closes once food passes then acid secrets inside stomach and food digestion starts.
4. Diet to avoid in gas and acidity?
Milk, tea, coffee, hot & spicy food, alcohol, smoking or tobacco in any form, chocolates, citrus fruits like lemon, pineapple, orange...salty diet...., soft drinks like coke, Pepsi, thumbs up...alike. These all should be avoided or taken in minimal quantity..
5.What measures should be taken to avoid it?
Fix your time to wake up breakfast should be consumed with in 30 minutes from the time you wake up Avoid above mention diet Have proper sleep Calm and cool mind—- undue stress increase acidity Fix timing of sleep Avoid long hours of fasting...
6. What is your rule of 4?
I keep on saying these to my patients Follow rule of 4. I mean maintain 4 hour distance between meal
Wake up at 6
Breakfast at 7
Lunch 11-12
High tea 3-4
Sleep 11-12
7. Role of meditation
yoga or pranayama Yes, although its not been proven, but it helps relax your body, mind and soul. My personal observation is — those who have being doing this for long years — these problems are less seen
8.Take home message from you?
Be cautious about what you eat..... FOOD is related with all gastrointestinal disorders you have heard of or seen in near ones.